Livestock SA
Livestock SA is a not-for-profit member organisation and is the voice for livestock producers on all industry issues.

on Its purpose is to foster a respected, sustainable and profitable livestock industry in South Australia.
Livestock SA works to inform government, businesses and the wider community on livestock producers’ contribution to the food and fibre industries and to the wider South Australian economy.
Livestock SA’s primary focus is policy and advocacy made possible through producer contributions, collected through the SA Sheep and Cattle Industry Funds. Membership is free to all South Australian livestock producers, while an Associate Membership is available to other members of the industry and supply chain for a fee.
Livestock SA is the South Australian member of Sheep Producers Australia, WoolProducers Australia, Cattle Council of Australia and Goat Industry Council of Australia.
Livestock SA manages and delivers strategic projects that support its member base and industry development.
View the SA Sheep Industry Blueprint on the Livestock SA website
View the SA Beef Industry Blueprint on the Livestock SA website
Contact Information
Heavy Horse Memorial Building
Adelaide Showground
Leader Street
Wayville SA 5034
T: 08 8297 2299
Ground Floor, 62 The Parade, Norwood SA
PO Box 259, Kent Town DC, SA 5071