Horticulture Coalition of SA
representing the interests of horticulture within South Australia.
The Horticulture Coalition of SA (HCSA) is the peak industry body representing the interests of horticulture within South Australia.

HCSA is a membership organisation comprised of key industry groups that have come together under the one umbrella to work collectively on representing the broad interests and concerns of horticultural producers and the horticultural industry to government and community.
Current members include:
- Almond Board of Australia Ltd
- Apple and Pear Growers Association of SA Inc
- Nursery and Garden Industry of SA Inc
- Olives South Australia Inc
- Onions Australia
- Pistachio Growers’ Association Inc
- SA Produce Market Ltd
- Summerfruit SA
- Women in Horticulture
- Citrus SA
- South Australian Chamber of Fruit and Vegetable Industries
The horticulture industry is an important sector for South Australia, worth over $960 million at the farmgate, and over $3 billion in gross food revenue in 2016/17. The sector consists of an estimated 3,500 small to medium-sized businesses, employing 13,500 permanent staff and an additional 24,000 seasonal staff.
The Coalition has developed a blueprint for supporting and nurturing growth within the horticulture industry in South Australia, focusing on key policy areas and recommendations put forward by the Horticulture Coalition.
Issues covered in the horticulture blueprint cover four main pillars: biosecurity, water security, workforce development and business sustainability.
View the South Australian Horticulture Industry Blueprint 2021
Contact Information
PO Box 1211, Kensington Gardens
SA 5068
Ground Floor, 62 The Parade, Norwood SA
PO Box 259, Kent Town DC, SA 5071