Education critical to close agri skills gap
South Australia played host to the National Association of Agricultural Educators Conference recently, at Victor Harbor, where I was fortunate enough to outline some of Primary Producers SA's work in the education space. The important work ag teachers and educators do...
Strong ag advocacy critical going forward
One of the most rewarding aspects of my role at Primary Producers SA is to work across commodity interests on issues that support farming enterprises to remain profitable and sustainable, both now and into the future. Often these issues aren’t immediately...
Voice provided to SA’s primary industries
Having recently submitted a final report to the South Australian government on the Developing primary industries project - and with Primary Producers SA celebrating 10 years in 2023 - it is pertinent to reflect on the transformation of PPSA and look ahead to the...
Scholarship offers valuable support to regional students
Applications are open for students in remote and regional areas to access up to $5000 in scholarship grants through the E.W. Stevens Trust Fund.The grants, administered by Primary Producers SA as the custodian of the fund, are designed to help students undertake study...
Rural voices must be heard in energy transition
SA's transition to renewable energy has captured the attention of policy makers and industry alike, particularly as we grapple with the impacts of climate change and the need to do more to reduce our emissions. In just over 16 years, SA's electricity mix has shifted...
Focus needed to hold SA’s R&D reputation
At the recent Growing SA Conference in Adelaide, hosted by Grain Producers SA and Livestock SA, I was asked to present on the topic, 'is SA still a leader in agricultural research and development?' There was a time when I would have staunchly argued in the affirmative...
Ground Floor, 62 The Parade, Norwood SA
PO Box 259, Kent Town DC, SA 5071